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Science Outreach: Online Classes

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No knowledge of mathematics or geometry is required to understand and apply in your professional practice

This page takes you to an online platform where you can access science outreach materials in which Dr Bouchon begins sharing part of her research findings with professionals.

Her expertise in languages-based representations offers the opportunity to make conceptual clarifications necessary before understanding her innovative Topologic Situation Modelling© method.

The online classes aim to support professionals working with individuals who have a non-typical physiology or/and neurology, common in chronic syndromes, autonomic and cognitive alterations. The issues examined approach health and behaviour through the «Geometry of Sensation» that apprehends limits. This allows addressing internal body/brain behaviour, independently of the psychology of personal behaviour, externally visible. This will give you keys to apprehend differently the ordinary situations of your practice, explain them in a more client centred way.

Free  –  Conceptual clarification class

Taming the «Hypersensitive» Dragon

The word ‘hypersensitive’ is a recent and very confusing word. Are we talking about emotions and psychology, the body and environmental reactions, sensory dysfunctions, or something else? Can sensitivity be hyper-activated, or is it just that the intensity of behaviours bothers people?

For practitioners who work with ‘hypersensitive’ people, the question is to determine what can be improved by treatment (and with which modality) and that which is part of the make-up of the person.

The idea that a person’s temperament resembles the behaviour of an uncontrolled dragon or devil, or the emotional fire of personal demons,  raises many confusions and issues regarding the attitudes of other people, devaluations, personal blame or guilt induced over a supposed ‘lack of’ self-control, effort, or of a supposedly simple choice or decision to act differently.

The common assumptions do not take into account the person’s nervous physiology, nor the ongoing impact of the human and physical environments to which the person is subjected.

This online class (free) presents clarification of two concepts, based on the notion of inside and outside a person: the difference between Sensitivity and Reactivity.

Only a few people use this distinction, even among practitioners, and if they do, it is often without explaining them, or reducing them to psychological emotions — for example Jeanne Siaud-Facchin (in French). [1] It seems urgent that this particular distinction be known to allow better understanding of  intense people, and more appropriate treatment.

If the contents help you deepen or refine your view, clients will benefit, and helping people understand each other is the major motivation for this work.  Your support for this research and the field experiment (‘Station’ tab) will give opportunity to create more of these classes.

Feel free to share to your network, or give resources for the station.


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[1] Original video: Jeanne Siaud-Facchin interview: ‘Qu’est-ce qu’un surdoué?’ https://youtu.be/CoMaYaLW5IQ