Welcome 9 Perspectives


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This page displays previous contributions.

Some, are accessible on ResearchGate.org, academic or as conference presentations and theses; others, more practical, are collected from earlier writings during eight years of field research. Some of these views are at the origin of the questioning in this research. Others are implications of Topologic Situation Modelling© in various contexts.

Please take into consideration that these are early works (some from the 1990’s), with lesser graphic and video means than are available now. The diversity of subjects in these texts partly demonstrates the scope of the path of investigation, and the fact that the imaging discussed on this website is globally applicable in any field. The variety also betrays the extreme difficulty of explaining in words an understanding that is generic and geometric. It is not easy to translate into frameworks that use different parameters of representation, words and numbers, and approach things in a detailed way, specialised and generalising.

If you wish to support the developments of this research and the Foraging Station Experiment, feel free to share them to your network, donating your expertise or resources for the station.

Marika Bouchon in Alice Springs
Topologic Ecology

Topologic Ecology Essentials

How do we stop the 'spiraling-out-of-hand'?


How do we stop the 'spiraling-out-of-hand'?

Masters Thesis (1998)

Kindly support this research and the Foraging Station Experiment